forever aloevera products


Source: A book by Dr. Anand S. Kasula

Twenty amino acids are found in Royal Jelly.

Royal Jelly works at the cellular level and in clinical studies has been observed actually stimulating the growth of new cells.

Royal Jelly is beneficial in the treatment of human sterility and sex-organ insufficiencies, such as frigidity and impotency and is a natural aphrodisiac for both sexes.

It gives a sense of well being and improves physical and mental ability along with general health.

It arrests hair loss and promotes growth of hair.

It optimizes breast size and firms up sagging  breasts.

It is useful in maintaining skin health, helpful in acne, and psoriasis and prevents wrinkle formation.

Royal Jelly is considered an excellent tonic for the elderly. It has no known side effects and can be consumed for long periods of time.

Royal Jelly benefits

Royal Jelly is believed to be a useful nutritional supplement responsible for the queen bee's superior size, strength, fertility, stamina, and longevity compared to other bees.

It consists of vitamins A, C, D and E and is rich source of the B-complex and related vitamins such as biotin, folic acid and inositol. 

Inositol is a naturally occurring nutrient that aids in converting food into energy.  In the human body, inositol plays a major role in preventing the collection of fats in the liver, as well as promoting healthy hair growth. Inositol also can be considered brain food, as the nutrient is necessary to properly nourish the brain. 

A lack of inositol in the system can lead to such conditions as constipation, high cholesterol, problems with vision and general health of the eyes, and hair loss.

Radioactive component in Royal Jelly is responsible for its bacteria killing properties.

Royal Jelly works at the cellular level, and in clinical studies has been observed actually stimulating the growth of new cells.

Royal Jelly is beneficial in the treatment of human sterility and sex-organ insufficiencies, such as frigidity and impotency and is a natural aphrodisiac (meaning: Arousing or intensifying sexual desire) for both sexes. 

It gives a sense of well being and improves physical and mental ability along with general health.

It optimizes breast size and firms up sagging breasts. 

It prevents wrinkle formation. 

Royal Jelly is considered an excellent tonic for the elderly. It has no known side effects and can be consumed for long periods of time. 

Placing the tablet under the tongue and allowing it to get dissolved is the best way to consume Royal Jelly.