forever aloevera products

Friday 4 November 2011

Business Opportunity Part Time & Full Time


Do you know anyone who may like to make more money, an additional income every month - in any part of the world?

We can appoint him/her our Independent Distributor and provide you training for free.

There is no membership fee, no renewal fee, no pass up allowed, all positions are permanent, 10 types of income including domestic and foreign travel and many more incentives.

Start learning and earning immediately

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Apple juice + Cranberry juice + Aloe Vera juice = Good health

Top 10 Health Benefits of Apple Juice 
There are several benefits of Apple Juice, some of which are given below.
Benefit #1 : Apple juice reduces bad cholesterol levels and enhances cardiovascular health of a person. The risk of getting heart disease is reduced significantly by drinking apple juice.
Benefit #2 : Apple juice is helpful for weight loss. Hence you can remain fit and slim by drinking apple juice.
Benefit #3 : Apple juice is very rich in potassium, hence it is very beneficial for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.
Benefit #4 : Apple juice improves the functioning and health of intestines. Hence it combats constipation effectively.
Benefit #5 : Raw apple juice cleans liver and kidneys and reduces the risk of kidney and liver disease.
Benefit #6 : Drinking apple juice improves digestion and eliminates harmful toxins from the body.
Benefit #7 : Apple juice together with honey and milk is very useful in nervous debility.
Benefit #8 : Apple juice with honey is very effective in pregnancy anemia.
Benefit #9 : Apple juice contains antioxidants which prevent different kinds of cancer.
Benefit #10 : Apple juice is very good for lungs and it lowers the risk of asthma.
Cranberry Juice To The Rescue
Learn about the health enhancing benefit of Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice was first made by American settlers in 1683. It is a love it or hate it beverage. For those who like it, it has a number of health benefits. Let me share some of those.
Cranberry Juice Emulsifies Fat.
This is for all of you that have some excess fat to lose. According to Nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S., Cranberry juice contains high levels of organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect upon fat deposits. She generally suggests it along with some flax seed or flax seed oil.
Urinary infections
When it comes to urinary tract infections caused by a strain of E coli bacteria, cranberry juice compounds may help. Some of the compounds in the juice block the bacteria from sticking to the cells in the body, so that the body can more easily flush the bacteria out. One way to get cranberry juice in is to useGaia Herbs Cranberry Concentrate
Cranberry Juice Inhibits Respiratory Infections
Study results in 2002 suggest that cranberry juice may inhibit a type of bacteria that is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. This is according to researchers at the annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
In this study it was found that cranberry juice can inhibit certain strains of Haemophilus influenzae, a type of bacteria found in the nose and throat of 75% of healthy children and adults. The bacteria can also cause infections, and may be responsible for up to 40% of bacterially-derived middle ear infections.
In this study, the researchers found that the juice could prevent certain strains of the bacteria from sticking to red blood cells or mouth cells, a step that can allow the bacteria to linger in the body. It seemed that the juice inhibited the bacteria's pili, the hair-like structures that allow them to adhere to surfaces. The juice had no effect on strains of Haemophilus influenzae that lacked pili.

Monday 31 October 2011

Aloe Vea Gel helped me

I used to look like this. See my picture on the right with my lovely wife.

With the help of moderate exercise like climbing stairs and, I like to believe, Forever Living's Aloe Vera Gel I could manage weight well.

Aloe Vera Gel improves metabolism.Helped my digestion and energy levels.

Now I highly recommend everyone to use it. You will find some benefit for sure.

Enzymes in Aloe Vera Gel will help digestion. Great combination of vitamins and minerals can nourish our body and help in controlling sugar levels, strengthen muscles.

It also nourishes skin, they say. I could see that on my wife's face. The glow was brighter. She used a product called Aloe Berry Nectar that has pure Aloe Vera Gel with apple and craneberry juice.

We are very happy with these products.

Saturday 29 October 2011

How Aloe Vera works

How Aloe Vera works!
source: a book by Dr. Anand S. Kasula
Aloe Vera plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents. All these substances are recognized as antiseptic agents because they kill or control bacteria, fungus and viruses explaining why the plant has ability to eliminate many internal and external infections. It is an effective painkiller.

Aloe Vera contains 4 anti-inflammatory fatty acids which explains why it is a highly effective treatment for burns, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, acid indigestion, ulcers plus many inflammatory conditions of the digestive system and other internal organs including the stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, kidney and pancreas.

Aloe Vera contains at least 23 polypeptids (immune stimulators), enabling Aloe juice control a broad spectrum of immune system diseases and disorders.

The polypeptids plus the anti-tumor agents, Aloe emodin and Aloe lectins explains its ability to control cancer.

Friday 28 October 2011

A Different Kind of Company

A Different Kind of Company

Forever Living Products was founded in 1978 on little more than dreams and hard work. It was designed to help anyone who wanted a better future to attain it on their own.

  • Better health.
  • More wealth.
  • A secure future.

More than 30 years later, Forever Living is a multi-billion dollar company with a presence in over 145 countries. We manufacture and sell dozens of exclusive, beneficial wellness products based on one of nature's purest gifts - aloe vera. Our unique business opportunity compensates people like you for sharing our products with others.

Over 9.5 million Distributors worldwide have discovered the power of Forever Living's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Millions of people are enjoying more fulfilling, healthier, and wealthier lives, thanks to a small business that began with only a dream. 

Thursday 27 October 2011

Your Dream, Our Plan

For over 30 years, Forever Living Products has dedicated itself to seeking out nature's best sources for health and beauty and sharing them with the world. Founded in 1978, FOREVER rewrote the book on how to put nature's best sources for health to work for you. Our complete family of Aloe Vera drinks, Skin Care Products and Cosmetics brings the remarkable properties of Aloe to the entire body. Add that to our full line of nutritional supplements and products from the Bee Hive, and you have a complete system for naturally achieving better health and beauty.
Today, FOREVER is a multi-billion dollar company doing business in over 147 countries.Forever Living and it's affiliates are the world's largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera. From its International Headquarters located in Scottsdale, Arizona, Rex Maughan, Founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO, directs operations worldwide. Over 9.3 million distributors enjoy the support, tools and guidance required to live Healthier and Wealthier lives.